Security Media/ Aden The Director General of Moral Guidance and Public Relations at the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Abdulqawi Baash, thanked His Excellency the Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Ali Haidan, for his support, keenness and follow-up in celebrating the Arab Police Day on 18 December Brigadier General Abdulqawi Baash said: The support

  Security Media: A number of Undersecretaries of the Ministry of Interior discussed today, in the interim capital of Aden, with a number of ambassadors of European Union countries to Yemen, enhancing aspects of cooperation and joint coordination between the two sides in the security fields. During the meeting, which included the  undersecretaries of the

​Security Media​ The First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior, Major General Muhammad Salim bin Aboud Al-Sharif, received today at the Ministry's headquarters in the city of Sayoun, two Kuwaiti travelers who visited a number of Yemeni governorates. ​During the meeting, the First Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior welcomed the Kuwaiti travelers, who include

Aden-Sabant: Today, in the interim capital of Aden, Prime Minister Dr. Maeen Abdul Malik chaired a meeting of the Supreme Committee for Combating Smuggling, which was devoted to discussing issues related to activating efforts to combat smuggling in all its forms and reducing the severe damage to this phenomenon on national security, the national

The Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Ali Haidan , today gave a briefing on the security situation, its developments, efforts to strengthen security and stability, combat smuggling and prosecute terrorist elements, and the results achieved in this regard. In this regard, the Council stressed the continuation of security campaigns in coordination with the

Security Media – Private The security services in the coast of Hadramawt on Sunday arrested a member of what is called terrorist organization (ISIS) The police confirmed that the terrorist ( Y , A , Juhi ) 27 years accused in the case of killing the soldier ( Salem  Al-Bahsani ) in early January. Investigations by

Security Media – Riyadh: The  Minister of  Interior, Major General  Ibrahim  Haidan,  today, in  Riyadh, discussed the aspects of joint cooperation between our country and Britain. It was in the field of combating terrorism. He also discussed the areas of training and rehabilitation in the security aspect and the Coast Guard. During his meeting

Security Media: In joint coordination between the Ministries of Defense and Interior and after circulation by the General Directorate of Command and Control in the Ministry of Interior, the Battalion and the Protection of the Border Depository Port were arrested (M, P, M, G ). He is accused of the murder of a citizen

Security Media – Private The police authorities in the liberated governorates seized 21 defendants in criminal cases on Tuesday, June 29, 2022. The cases ranged from shooting, intentional physical assault, assault on another's property, theft, parental disabilities and sexual harassment. The police, criminal investigation branches and criminal evidence in the liberated governorates work at

Security Media The number of inmates in the rehabilitation services in the liberated governorates until the evening of Monday, June 27, 2022 (3799) inmates distributed among the services in the liberated governorates. On Monday, the departments registered 44 new entries and the release of 13 inmates.  The number of inmatesin the rehabilitation   services is

Ministry of Interior - Security Media The General Department of Narcotics Control at the Ministry of Interior launched today the activities and activities of the International Day for Drug Control. The events during the period from June 20-26 this year include awareness, rhetorical, artistic and sports activities and events under the slogan "Report the facts...

The Iranian-backed Houthi religious militia has used the same methods and tactics as the Al Qaeda terrorist organization from its beginning. Whether it's about religious beliefs and slogans, alleged enemies, or strategies to recruit fans and raise donations, it's all about it. Al-Qaeda dubbed itself "Ansar al-Sharia," whereas the Houthis named themselves "Ansar