Security Media – Taiz: A civilian's house in Taiz governorate was hit by a mortar shell fired by the Houthi militia stationed in Tabat al-Salil. The Taiz police indicated that the shell caused panic and fear among civilians living. They live in the Dhu al-Nurin al-Shamsi neighbourhood, without any casualties. The police reported that

Houthi terrorist militia used starvation as a military weapon against the sons of Taiz. It has imposed a deadly siege on the city of Taiz, which is inhabited by about 3 million people. All roads and access to the city have been blocked the movement of residents to and from the city has

A second truce is almost over. A third is looming. Nothing has changed throughout the theatre of combat operations except for the cessation of the coalition raids. Besides, the Houthi militia's mobilization is doubling for a wider and more violent war. The United Nations and American envoys count it as an achievement of their

Hence, evil struck its head in the province of Sa’dah two decades ago. It is including until it expanded until it spread throughout Yemen. It is leaving blood and massive destruction in cities and rural areas. Before that, the killing, looting, displacement of Yemenis and the destruction of their cities and villages was

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