Training Programs in Martial Arts and Self-defense for the Officers and Soldiers of the Security Areas
Training Programs in Martial Arts and Self-defense for the Officers and Soldiers of the Security Areas

Today, the Special Security Forces in Marib Governorate concluded a training program in martial arts and self-defense for officers and soldiers of the security areas and checkpoints in the province.
In conclusion, the Commander of the Special Security Forces in Marib, Brigadier Salim Al-Siyaghi, explained that this four-month program included several combat fields in the sport of "Kung Fu, Taekwondo and Karate", with the aim of providing participants with new skills in all martial arts that enable them to deal with all circumstances. The events are very professional.
He pointed out that the program comes within the framework of a comprehensive strategy adopted by the leadership of the Special Security Forces to raise the efficiency of its members and refine their skills through a series of qualitative training programs and courses in all fields and scientific and practical disciplines.

At the end of the ceremony, the graduates gave a presentation in all the training fields they received during the course, and the trainers and distinguished people who obtained belts of excellence in self-defense sports were honored.


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