The Minister of Interior inspects the performance of sectors and public administrations at the Ministry's headquarters in Aden
The Minister of Interior inspects the performance of sectors and public administrations at the  Ministry

Security Media: Aden
The Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haidan, inspected today the level of performance of various sectors and public administrations at the General Office of the Ministry of Interior in the interim capital of Aden.
The Minister of Interior, along with the undersecretaries of the security sector, Major General Mohammed, Assistant to the Emir, the human and financial resources sector, Major General Abdullah Jaber, and the civil services sector, Major General Abdul Majid Al-Amiri, toured the various sectors and general departments in the ministry, and was briefed on the level of work progress and the performance of employees and workers in the Diwan.
Minister Haidan praised the level of job discipline and the efforts exerted by all employees of the ministry in performing their work to the fullest, urging everyone to continue their efforts and work in a team spirit to improve the level of work in various sectors and departments of the ministry.
The Minister of Interior also stressed the keenness to improve the level of work in the ministry, overcome any difficulties facing the progress of work, and alleviate any suffering faced by workers in the ministry, in order to continue the successes and achieve the desired goals.
The Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haidan, also chaired today, in the temporary capital Aden, a meeting that included a number of agents and general managers in the ministry, during which they discussed the level of implementation of the ministry's plans and evaluating the level of performance during the past period, and highlighted the difficulties and appropriate treatments for them, and efforts to improve the level of work.
The meeting also discussed, with the participation of the Undersecretaries of the Ministry for the Security Sector, Major General Mohammed Musaed Al-Amir, the Human and Financial Resources Sector, Major General Abdullah Jaber, and the Civil Services Sector, Major General Abdul Majid Al-Amiri, the future plans of the various sectors and public departments in the Ministry that will improve and improve the level of work and enhance functional discipline at the Ministry's office in Aden


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