The Minister of Interior commends the security efforts in Shabwa governorate
The Minister of Interior commends the security efforts in Shabwa governorate

Aden - Ministry of Interior:
The Minister of the Interior, Major General Ibrahim Ali Haidan, praised the efforts of the Shabwa Governorate Police and the security services to establish security and stability, combat crimes in all their forms and arrest the perpetrators, the last of which was the arrest of a perpetrator of a murder working in one of the popular restaurants in the governorate.
Directed to disburse a financial reward to individuals who have caught the perpetrator.
This came during his meeting today in the temporary capital, Aden, Director General of the Shabwa Governorate Police, Brigadier General Fouad Al-Nasi, to discuss a number of issues related to the police and highlighted the needs of its departments in all directorates of the governorate.
Brigadier General Al-Nasi also briefed the Minister  on the overall security situation in the governorate and the efforts of the security services to establish security and stability in the governorate.
Minister Haidan stressed the keenness of the Ministry of Interior to provide all necessary support to the Shabwa Police and to provide all necessary needs to carry out its duties and tasks to the fullest extent.
For his part, the Director General of the Shabwa Governorate Police thanked the attention paid by the Minister of Interior to the police and its security services and to overcome the difficulties facing their functioning in order to enable them to carry out their roles and tasks that stand on their shoulders in this exceptional stage that the country is experiencing as a result of the Houthi militia's coup against the state  and its institutions.


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