Taiz Police in partnership with the Yemen StudMarib Police concludes a training course to qualify security personnel with criminal investigation procedures:
Taiz Police in partnership with the Yemen StudMarib Police concludes a training course to qualify security personnel with criminal investigation procedures:

Security Media- Marib
The police of Marib Governorate concluded today a training course. It was to qualify security personnel on criminal investigation procedures. It lasted from19 to29 June 2022. This course aims to raise the capabilities of security personnel in the field of criminal investigation and improve the level of performance of the security staff. 
In the event, the Director General of Police of Marib Governorate, Brigadier General Yahya Humaid,   stressed the importance of such a course.  He said that this course was one of the qualitative and important courses. It enhances the capabilities and knowledge of the security officer of the criminal investigation procedures, the records of collecting evidence, the records of seizure and investigation. In addition to, it enhances the legal control framework. 
Brigadier General Yahya Hamid also urged all participants in the training course to work in the field. In light of all what they have learned during the course period and what they have benefited from in all paragraphs of the training program. He is stressing the need to be fully aware of all laws, police regulations and legal procedures. Besides, he is dealing accordingly with the issues considered by the security services and to record official reports in the security records in the correct manner. It ensures the success of the security work in accordance with the concepts and judicial standards as well as the skills that they have benefited from during the training program. During the closing event, the eminent persons and participants of the training course were also honored.



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