In the presence of the Minister of Interior, a meeting of the Supreme Security Committee was held
In the presence of the Minister of Interior, a meeting of the Supreme Security Committee was held

Aden - Security Media:
Today, in the interim capital of Aden, the Minister of Defense and Chairman of the Supreme Security Committee, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, chaired a meeting of the Supreme Security Committee to discuss developments on the national scene.
The meeting, which was attended by the members of the committee, the Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haidan, the head of the Political Security Organization, Major General Abdo Al-Hudhaifi, the head of the National Security Organization, Major General Ahmed Al-Musabi, and the head of the Military Intelligence Organization, Major General Ahmed Al-Yafei, addressed a number of issues, especially with regard to coordination and integration between the security services and the armed forces and counter-terrorism and smuggling efforts.


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