The Minister of the Interior congratulates the President of the Presidential Command Council on the 55th anniversary of Independence Day on the 30th of November.
The Minister of the Interior congratulates the President of the Presidential Command Council on the 55th anniversary of Independence Day on the 30th of November.

Ministry of Interior Affairs
The Minister of the Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haidan, sent a telegram congratulating the President of the Presidential Command Council and the members of the Council on the 55th anniversary of Independence Day on the 30th of November.
The telegram said: "It is my pleasure, on behalf of myself and on behalf of the officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Interior, to convey to Your Excellency the highest congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the great occasion of the 55th anniversary of the glorious national independence on the 30th of November 1967 with the departure of the last British soldier from the south of the homeland.
The telegram said: "It is my pleasure, on behalf of myself and on behalf of the officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Interior, to convey to Your Excellency the highest congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the great occasion of the 55th anniversary of the glorious national independence on the 30th of November 1967 with the departure of the last British soldier from the south of the homeland."
I wish His Excellency the Chairman of the Command Council and the members of the Council success and repayment in their national duties to reach Yemen to the ports of security, stability, freedom, pride , dignity and democracy.
The Minister of Interior said in the telegram that "the departure of the last British soldier from the homeland and the glorious declaration of independence on the thirtieth of November 1967 constitute important stations in which we will be inspired by the struggle of the parents and grandparents who woven this history with their blood and lives and sacrificed their lives for the sake of a strong and united Yemeni high and stability, with the knowledgeof all his children and the blessings of everyone."
It isclear that the dawn of that liberating day shone on November 30, after a national struggle and armed struggle that lasted for about four years entitled the glorious revolution of October 14, which was detonated by the free revolutionaries from the highest peaks of the Rifan al-Shamma mountains in 1962, which worked to pave the way to achieve the great victory and national independence of the southern part of British colonialism, which remained on the country's chest for 129 years.
The Minister of Interior confirmed that the generation that sacrifices today in order to get rid of the attempt of Iranian domination are the descendants of that generation that made the epic of independence and blew up the glorious revolutions of September and October, and they continue to this day, and its chapters line the free Yemen on various fronts with their pure blood to overthrow the Persian sectarian project that tried to dominate our country, with the difference that their ability to fight has become greater after they were armed with science and knowledge, and the national issue is the concern of all men and women of the nation and their various segments, to eradicate the bonds of colonialism, tyranny, dependence, and subjugation of descendants and regions, and remove the burden of injustice and arrogance abhorrent, to translate the liberal national and national approach and the principle of the triumphant revolution (September and October) in the defense of the Republic, sovereignty and independence, and the preservation of national constants, and to emphasize the non-internity of the nation and to build, progress and prosperity.
Major General Ibrahim Haidanpointed out that the Ministry of Interior and all its security agencies and units throughout the liberated governorates are making tremendous efforts to fulfill their role in laying the foundations of security and stability, as a condition for rebuilding and launching the wheel of development, and they are making these efforts, but to protect and secure the official state institutions in order to be able to perform their tasks in the service of the citizen. They are encouraged by the hope that all members of society and its organized activities will cooperate to this end, reiterating that the security institution will remain a protective shield to protect the gains of the country, its capabilities and its citizens, and defend the security and stability of the country until the liberation of every inch of the territory of the Republic of Yemen from Iran's agents and terrorist tools.
The telegram concluded by calling on the great people of Yemen to preserve the cohesion, cohesion and unity of the nation and the homeland and to deepen the principles of cohesion, mutual support and fraternity, and to embody this by arming with determination, determination and consistency and achieving the goals of the Yemeni revolution and preserving its great national gains and the desired and hoped-for future.
The telegram also pardoned the souls of the martyrs who recounted the wealth of the homeland with their pure blood, as well as the healing of all the wounded who faced death with no heed or hesitation for the future of future generations.


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