Joint cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and a number of international organizations:
Joint cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and a number of international organizations:

Security Media – Aden:
Today, in the interim capital, Aden, a meeting was held. It was to discuss joint cooperation between the Ministry of Interior and   international organizations. It was in the presence of   representatives of UNICEF,   who,   UNDP, UNOPS   and Civic. During the meeting, Dr. Maryam Dougani, Head of the Department of Organizations in the Office of the President of the Republic, stressed the importance of coordination and cooperation. It was between the Ministry of Interior and international organizations and cooperation between them. Brigadier General Alia Omar, Director General of Family Protection at the Ministry of Interior, appreciated the contribution of international organizations in the humanitarian fields. The Ministry of Interior looks forward to supporting international organizations in the field of rehabilitation of reform centers through economic empowerment projects. Lt. Col. Dr. Muhammad Mutahar, Director of the Department of International Cooperation in the Office of the Minister of Interior and Secretary of the Minister of Interior for Foreign Affairs, reviewed the most important   needs of the Ministry of Interior. It was in the humanitarian and health field. As well as, it was in the field of supporting rehabilitation homes and health centers affiliated with it. He also reviewed the importance of the role of organizations in completing the construction and operation of the General Police Hospital in Aden. It provides services to all members of the   security services. For his part, representatives of international organizations expressed their pleasure at the meeting. It is considered an opportunity to build communication with the Ministry of Interior. It is to facilitate the difficulties facing the work of the organizations. They are expressing their readiness to study the matrix of needs submitted by the Ministry of Interior.


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