Our country participates in the meeting to discuss the draft Convention against Cybercrime
Our country participates in the meeting to discuss the draft Convention against Cybercrime

Security Media - New York
The Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior, Major General Dr. Fayez Ghallab, participated in the seventh meeting to discuss and approve a draft international convention to combat crimes of misuse of communications and information technology, which is implemented by the United Nations at its headquarters in New York, USA, and continues between the participating countries for the period from January 29 to February 10, 2024.
Dr. Fayez explained that this participation was important for us and for all countries of the world to find a legal formula and texts agreed upon by all countries to reduce IT crimes and reduce their losses on countries, entities and individuals alike with the cooperation and concerted efforts of the international community considering cybercrime as one of the new and advanced crimes that accompanied the development of means of communication and information technology, as it was associated with the most economic, social, scientific, productive, security and other activities and works related to countries, entities and individuals with this technology.
The Inspector General stressed that combating IT crimes requires the creation of legal texts at the local level that address these crimes as required.
He reviewed our country's efforts in this field and how far it has come despite the simple possibilities and the difficult conditions it is experiencing.
The Inspector General made legal interventions in the terms of the legal agreement.
Considering that information technology crimes are among the growing and sophisticated modern crimes due to the tremendous development in the technology of communication and communication devices worldwide, as they have become a security concern for countries, entities and individuals on the one hand, due to the devastating effects they have on these countries, entities and individuals. The current era has become heavily linked to this technology in all political, economic, cultural and social fields and development plans. On the other hand, this development has been accompanied by the growth and development of electronic information   in various countries of the world.
At the local, regional or international level, countries have felt the need to confront this growth of crimes related to information technology and the need to find laws and conclude international treaties and agreements to combat this contemporary transnational crime, including the Arab Convention on Combating Information Technology Crimes in 2010, as well as the Convention on Combating Information Technology Crimes, in which the Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Dr. Fayez Ghallab, participatedtechnology crimes that have caused great damage


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