Hadramawt Coast Police seize 3 people in possession of narcotic substances
Hadramawt Coast Police seize 3 people in possession of narcotic substances

Security Media – Private
On Friday, the Hadramawt Coast Police arrested three people in possession of narcotic substances, one of them with pedals and the other with a mouth.
The pedestrian point on the line between the coast and the valley of Hadramaut arrested a person named ( Kh ,S, Ali ), 31 years old, who lives in Al-Mahra and is in possession of Captagon and Prozlam pills.
Anti-narcotics personnel in Fawh district also found in the possession of the perpetrators ( A,A,Mohammed 25 years - S,H,Ahmed 24 years ) a hashish bags.
The offenders were placed in custody in preparation for completing the case file and referred to the prosecution.


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