Al-Mahra Security Arrests Terrorist Cell Plotting to Kidnap Foreigners
Al-Mahra Security Arrests Terrorist Cell Plotting to Kidnap Foreigners

Security Media – Private
The security services in Al-Mahra Governorate foiled an attempt to kidnap foreigners  by a cell belonging to a  terrorist group.
An official source in the Ministry of Interior said that the security services in Al-Mahra Governorate were able to successfully arrest ten members belonging to a terrorist group who were in charge of kidnapping and were distributed and disappeared in different parts of the governorate.
The source pointed out that the tracking and monitoring process was a qualitative and complex process that lasted for several months until all members of the terrorist cell were arrested on Sunday, 25/2/2024.
The official source in the interior revealed that the security units were forced to use force in the process of arresting the members of the terrorist cell, after they fired on the heroic security men who managed to tighten the noose on all terrorists within the cell in charge of kidnapping and force them to surrender and arrest them in record time.
He stressed that the security services are alert to such events and ready to deal with terrorist cells and gangs.
It will strike with an iron fist anyone who is tempted to harm the security and stability of Al-Mahra Governorate and all the liberated governorates.
The leadership of the Ministry of Interior thanked the local authority, the intelligence services in Al-Mahra Governate, and the special security units that were assigned monitoring tasks until the successful completion of their mission to arrest a dangerous and terrorist cell that had a major criminal plan


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