Meeting of the leadership of the General Administration of Retirement at the Ministry of Interior to discuss the work of the Fund in the second half of the year 2024
Meeting of the leadership of the General Administration of Retirement at the Ministry of Interior to discuss the work of the Fund in the second half of the year 2024

Security Media/ Aden
A meeting held today in the interim capital of Aden, chaired by the Director General of the Security Pension Fund in the Ministry of Interior, Brigadier General Nayef Al-Humaidi, discussed the level of work performance of the Fund during the last phase, and the efforts to prepare and develop the Fund's plans for the second half of the year 2024.
The meeting reviewed the level of performance and work progress and the completion of these tasks in a way that contributes to improving the level of performance of the General Administration of Retirement, during the first half of this year 2024. The efforts exerted at the present time to promote the work and improve the level of management and develop its mechanisms in line with the current stage, as well as a package of treatments for the difficulties facing the workflow, and keenness to enhance performance and improve and promote work.
Brigadier General Nayef Al-Humaidi urged everyone to exert more efforts to improve the level of work and improve performance in light of the available capabilities.
Calling for discipline and dedication to work and redoubling efforts by all to contribute to improving performance .
Noting the level of functional discipline.
He reiterated his call to everyone to continue their efforts and work in a team spirit to improve the level of work in the administration.
The meeting also discussed the work reports of the Fund and the mechanisms and controls that everyone should abide by to continue the successes. Referring to the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haidan, to activate the tasks and competencies of the General Administration of the Retirement and Security Investment Fund,°which is one of the sources of institutional building for the Ministry of Interior in the fields entrusted to it in accordance with the regulations of the Security Retirement Fund Law and activate all the departments and services that the Fund should carry out, and activate the work of the Follow-up Committee for the inventory of the assets and property of the Security Retirement Fund, with the aim of continuing the successes and restoring the pioneering role of the Fund, which is one of the main pillars of the Ministry in serving the segment of the families of martyrs and retirees.
The meeting was held in front of a number of important issues, including the process of disbursing the settlements due to retirees by the presidential decision on addressing the issues of military, security and civilian employees who were deported from their jobs in the southern governorates. They numbered 14,960 retirees according to the database of the General Administration of the Security Pension Fund, including 6,179 retirees whose data were matched with the decisions of the Presidential Committee, 8,781 retirees whose data were not matched with the decisions of the Presidential Committee, 4,279 people whose data were matched with the workforce and referred to retirement, and 15,163 people for data that were not covered by the decisions and were not fed financiially in the unliberated governorates and are outside the financial link, and the adoption of financial strengthening by the Council of Ministers, based on the directives of the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, and the completion of the procedures for retirees who did not submit their grievances to the Presidential Committee for Forced and were not settled like their colleagues.
Al-Humaidi directed the directors of the departments in the General Administration of the Security Pension Fund and the directors of the branches in the liberated governorates to facilitate the procedures of the retirees and overcome all the difficulties facing them in what would provide the best services to the families of the martyrs and retirees , in recognition of their roles and sacrifices for the sake of the homeland as the least appreciation for their life journey full of giving to their homeland.


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