Security Media – Private A joint security campaign from the security of Wadi and the desert of Hadramawt and the 23rd Mika Brigade arrested a cell of 13 members that was on its way to the Houthi terrorist militia. The members of the cell, aged between 18 and 25 years, from Hadramawt Governorate, were

Mukalla - Sabant : Today, the security committee in Hadramawt Governorate held a meeting in the city of Mukalla, headed by the governor of the governorate, the head of the security committee, Mabkhout bin Madi, to follow up on the security situation and efforts to impose security and stability. The committee reviewed reports on

Security Media – Private The security services in Hadramout Governorate seized the coast yesterday, Wednesday, accused in a narcotics case. The police indicated that the accused (M, M, Faraj) was caught with a hashish link weighing 10 grams. The accused was detained and placed in prison pending legal proceedings.

Security Media – Private Hadramout police seized the coast yesterday, Tuesday, accused in a fraud case. The police arrested the accused (A,M,Bin Mulhi) on charges of fraud after receiving a report from a citizen stating that the accused had committed a fraud to establish a fictitious project. The interested person was booked to complete the

Security Media – Private A campaign by the security units in Shabwa Governorate managed to arrest 550 Ethiopian Africans who entered the country illegally through smuggling . The seized persons were transferred to a special detention site based on the decision of the security committee in the governorate , while the campaign is still

Security Media – Mukalla Hadramawt Coast Police received a report from a resident of Mukalla that he had been defrauded by the perpetrator,H.A. Bashabil. The citizen mentioned in his communication the transfer of sums of money estimated at 10 million riyals while in Saudi Arabia for the purpose of opening projects and factories for

Security Media – Mukalla Today's meeting in Mukalla discussed ways of coordination to complement the Sail Program. It is organized in partnership between the Hadramawt University Students' Political Forum and the police department in the coast of Hadramawt. The meeting, which included the Vice Chancellor of Hadramout University for Student Affairs, Prof. Dr.

 Shabwa is the interior ministry. Major General Muhammad, Assistant to the Prince, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for the Security and Police Sector. Besides, a number of security officials met with Shabwa Governorate Governor Awad bin Al-Awlaki today to discuss the security situation in the governorate. The "Governor" greeted the Under-Secretary

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