Security Media – Private The Houthi terrorist militia refused to land a UN plane in Marib governorate. Aden International Airport management notified passengers on board the flight to Marib to cancel the flight because the Sana 'a Tower refused to allow it to land in Marib Governorate

Security Media - Private: Citizens in Marib Governorate were injured yesterday, Friday, as a result of an attack by the Houthi terrorist militia. The Houthi terrorist militia targeted houses for citizens in Raghwan district, injuring Abdullah Muhammad and Hamoud Abdulhadi. The attack also resulted in a citizen's car being damaged

Security Media – Private On Friday, the security services in Marib Governorate arrested a person accused of detonating a bomb in the middle of a sewing shop in Marib Governorate. The police had received a report from the owner of the shop ( A , Al-Shamiri ) stating that the perpetrator ( M , M

Security Media: The police of Marib Governorate managed to recover a stolen car belonging to a citizen. The police indicated that they had received a report from a citizen, Jamil Hussein. He had been shot while driving his vehicle as a result he had been injured in one hand and the car had been

Security Media – Private: The security services in Marib Governorate seized 3 people who tried to smuggle an artifact out of the governorate. A source at Marib police explained that the seized persons obtained the artifact while they were digging Bayarain the governorate. Referring to the placement of accused persons in custody pending legal

Security Media – Private: The police of Marib Governorate managed to   deactivate a homemade explosive device. A source at Marib Police stated that immediately after receiving a report about the IED, the security   services summoned the explosives expert and delivered them to the criminal evidence. The source considered the IED to be a terrorist

Security Media- Marib The police of Marib Governorate concluded today a training course. It was to qualify security personnel on criminal investigation procedures. It lasted from19 to29 June 2022. This course aims to raise the capabilities of security personnel in the field of criminal investigation and improve the level of performance of the security

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