The MOI participates in the meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Comprehensive International Convention on combating the use of ICT for Criminal Purposes.

The Ministry of   Interior participated in   the fourth session of the Ad Hoc   Committee on the Elaboration of a Comprehensive International Convention. It was against the Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Criminal Purposes. It was attended by   UN Member States and a number of international organizations and academics. This course was held in a double way in presence and hypothetically. The delegation was represented by the Ambassador of our country   to Austria and Head of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office and International Organizations. He was His Excellency   Ambassador Haitham Shujauddin. It was represented also by the First Secretary of the Permanent Mission, Mr.  Salman Al-Harish. While the Inspector General of the Ministry of Interior participated- Professor of Combating Information Technology Crimes Major General Dr. Fayez Ghalab. Besides, the   Director of Information Technology in the Office of the Minister of Interior participated-Engineer Kanaan Al-Tamimi as representatives of the Ministry of Interior. During the meeting, H.E. the Ambassador delivered a speech that included a statement by the Arab Group. It stressed the importance of the unified negotiating document with some observations. It was regarding the observance of the provisions of the Arab Convention on Combating Information Technology Crimes, the promotion and facilitation of international cooperation in the field of combating the use of information and communications technology for criminal purposes. As well as, the provision of technical assistance and support for the capabilities of Member States in this field. The Ambassador also appreciated the text contained in the document. It emphasizes the preservation of Member States. It was in accordance with the principles of sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States and the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other States. This session will continue until January 20, 2023. During this session, the contents of the unified negotiating document will be discussed on the general provisions and provisions related to criminalization, procedural measures and law enforcement of a comprehensive international convention on combating the use of information and communications technology for criminal purposes. It was including these provisions related to criminalization: illegal access to information systems, misuse of hardware and software, forgery and fraud, sexual exploitation of children, sexual extortion and other crimes included in the draft convention. As well as, it was discussing provisions related to procedural measures and law enforcement. Our country will provide observations on the articles of the convention during the stages of the session. >