A security source that warns citizens against dealing with any entities belonging to the Houthi terrorist militias.

Security Media – Private An official source at the Ministry of the Interior warned all Yemeni citizens living abroad against dealing with individuals and entities that belong to or promote the ideas and actions of the Houthi terrorist militias in any way. It noted that, in accordance with the decision of the National Defense Council No. 1 of 2022 to classify the Houthi coup militias as a terrorist organization, all entities and individuals that provide support, assistance, facilities or any form of support, cooperation and dealing with this terrorist group will be subject to legal accountability in accordance with Yemeni laws. Strict measures will be taken against anyone found to be involved in supporting this terrorist organization. The source called on all citizens residing abroad to report those who support, cooperate or promote this terrorist group. The Government and the authorities concerned will take vigorous action and punish anyone found to be involved in supporting this terrorist organization. >